Pirates DEBUNKED // Common Misconceptions about Pirates, Ships, and Swashbucklery


Hello guys! So, today’s post is going to be a little different. I’ve been working on a project of mine that you might remember from previous posts called Sciamachy. It’s a fantasy novel with magic, vastΒ icy wasteland, and pirates.

And, being the procrastinator that I am, instead of actually writing the thing, I’m doing research about pirates. Because why not, you know?

So, here are a few interesting factoids I thought you might like to know. Also, enjoy the gratuitous Pirates of the Caribbean gifs. ^_^

Pirates rarely buried their treasure

Pirates knew that their lifespans probably weren’t the…longest, so they usually tried to spend all their money as soon as possible. And sometimes, the loot wasn’t gold or silver, it was clothes, food, or animal hides. Wouldn’t really want to bury that, huh?

Johnny Depp No GIF

Although, there are exceptions, Captain Kidd, being the most common example.

They had rules and regulations

In order to be a part of the crew, there were usually very strict rules you had to agree to before you were let on. Things like how loot would be divvied up, how to treat your fellow mates, and things that were forbidden onboard the ship.

Johnny Depp Pirate GIF

They didn’t walk the plank

The idea of ‘walking the plank’ was first mentioned in Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe. In reality, pirates almost never made their prisoners walk the plank.

Animated GIF

If they were going to kill their prisoners, they weren’t going toΒ waste any time getting it done…

There were women pirates

Pirates Of The Caribbean GIF

Though rare, there have been female pirates. Just take Anne Bonny and Mary Read for example.

Piracy was better than the alternative

Most pirates became pirates just for the sake of going on exhilarating adventures and because they actually enjoyed being outlaws, right?

pirates of the caribbean no GIF

AΒ huge majority of pirates were actually honest sailors who quit their jobs because the conditions were just too awful. Next to no pay, risking your life everyday out at sea, shackled to the ships walls below…Β  And many men were sailors only because they were kidnapped by the British Navy and were forced to work for them.

So if you were living in these conditions and a band of ‘rebellious pirates’ came to overthrow your ship, wouldn’t you want to join them?

Pirates didn’t say ‘Arrgh!’ very often

All the ‘arrgh matey!’ and ‘avast ye landlubbers!’ is thanks to Hollywood. Pirates most likely spoke in a manner similar to British sailors (since that’s what most of them were).

Guess that kind of ruins Talk Like a Pirate day…

Johnny Depp Pirate GIF

Being a pirate was often pretty boring

Being a pirate wasn’t all sword-swinging and plundering. Most of the time, it was really, really boring. Staying out at sea for days on end, searching for ships to pillage, it got oldΒ pretty fast.

So to amuse themselves, pirates drank, gambled (though sometimes that was forbidden), sang, danced, and put on plays.

Pirates Of The Caribbean GIF

Did you learn anything new? I should probably be writing right now, but… Research is important too, right? πŸ˜› Do you think this would make a good series? Let me know if you’d like to see more posts like this down below!


11 responses to “Pirates DEBUNKED // Common Misconceptions about Pirates, Ships, and Swashbucklery”

  1. Eeep, I ❀ LOVE ❀ THIS POST, MADELINE! This was SO fun to read! And I totally vote for a post series like this! πŸ˜‰

    I hope your week is wonderful! ❀

    Liv // livkfisher.blogspot.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ACK THANK YOU! I’m SO glad you liked it!! I am definitely thinking about making this a series! πŸ˜€

      I hope yours is wonderful too! ^_^

      Thanks for stopping by!


  2. This was really interesting! Thanks for sharing your research!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you enjoyed! It was a lot of fun! ^_^

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved everything about this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am SO happy to hear that! πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is great- I’d love a series similar to this one!
    Brings back memories of all the pirate research I did for one story. Went through a lot of stuff about ships and gunpowder.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to know! I’m considering making it a monthly segment!
      Ooh, sounds like a fun story! I’ve always loved pirates. They’re so interesting! πŸ™‚


  5. This was such a fun post to read! It actually makes sense that pirates didn’t walk the plank. And the British Navy was so effective because it was so ruthless and so many of the poor sailors were impressed into the navy. It was pretty awful.
    Also, next Talk Like a Pirate Day, I’ll just have to don a British accent for the day, I suppose. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! ^_^ Yeah, that one made sense to me too. Yes! They were so horrible, forcing those sailors to work for them, having them live in such poor conditions. Awful indeed. 😦
      Haha, yes! That would work! πŸ˜€

      Thanks for dropping by, Elizabeth! ❀


  6. Dude, I would LOVE more posts like this!! This is so unique! I…honestly knew none of these facts about pirates. I guess I’ve never really researched them beyond watching all the Pirates of The Caribbean movies a thousand times…? XD And WAIT WHAT??? They never made the prisoners walk the plank????? But…the PLANK. Please tell me the swabbing the poopdeck is still a thing!!! πŸ˜‚


I love hearing from you! ^_^