Life Update // Things Have Been Crazy…


Hey guys! So, you may have noticed that I recently changed my blogging schedule to a post every two weeks. I thought I would explain a bit in this post, and also just talk to you about what’s been going on with me.


I recently mentioned in one of my posts that I’ve been wearing braces for about a year and a half now. Well, just yesterday, I was finally able to have them taken off. And I am soooo happy. XD They were such a pain for me and I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about them anymore. Plus, you know, being able to eat caramels and popcorn is exciting too. šŸ˜€

Working at the library has been going well. Our summer reading program is starting up soon, so my hours will be going up for the next few months. I’m told it can get crazy busy, so it should be an interesting summer. XD

I’m graduating at the end of June! So…That’s pretty crazy. On the one hand, I’m excited to be done with school so I can focus on other things more, but on the other hand, I’M KINDA TERRIFIED OF WHAT TO DO NEXT.

Panic Omg GIF

I don’t think I’m going to be attending any colleges (but maybe somewhere along the lines?). I’ve been apprenticing under my music teacher, who’s showing me how to give lessons, so at the beginning of the next school year, I’m considering giving piano lessons. It’s not for sure yet, but it seems like the next logical step. šŸ™‚

I’m also going up to be a junior counselor at a camp my cousin lives at. I’ve never counseled at any type of camp before, so I’m super nervous about it…I’m just praying I get a cabin of nice girls and that it’s a good experience. *apprehension*


Nothing much happening in this area at the moment. I’ve been doing a LOT of plotting, i.e. playing scenes out in my head over and over again. XD


Happy Joy GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

I can’t wait to meet all you guys who are going!!! I’m actually kind of nervous about it, honestly, but I still can’t wait! ^_^


I…I watched Infinity War…


That was a month ago.

And I’m still a wreck.

What is wrong with me.

Captain America The First Avenger GIF

I also managed to watch:

The first Star Wars prequel (Yay me. Better late than never I guess.)

The Devil Wears Prada (Ugh, Miranda is a total jerkface)

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (This was so funny!! A few iffy parts, but otherwise so hilarious. XD)


Angry Hate GIF


Ehehehe I’m so behind on my Goodreads challenge it’s not even funny. XD The most recent reads I can think of are Wires and Nerves: Gone Rogue by Marissa Meyer (SQUEE THE ADORABLE COUPLE THAT IS IKO AND KINNEY. *heart eyes*) and Cold Summer by Gwen Cole (This one was pretty cute, but it didn’t quite pack the punch I was hoping for.)

Right now, I’m reading Renegades by Marissa Meyer and it’s SO GOOD so far! šŸ˜€ All of the secret-keeping that’s going on in it is kind of killing me, but in a good way. ^_^


Well, I changed my schedule, as you know. I also revamped my theme so now it has paper airplanes and typewriters and I love it so much. *is happily pleased with aesthetic*

I’m also plumb out of ideas for posts. I’m thinking about starting a bi-weekly series about worldbuilding or possibly character types, but this idea is merely an inkling. Which one would you guys prefer? Worldbuilding or characters?

I’m also working on redesigning my ‘Books’ page to be more easily accessible (all those menus are sorta confusing…) There will be pretty collages, novel stats, little blurbs, all that good stuff. Be on the lookout!

Bird Popcorn GIF by Cheezburger
I don’t what this is from but I love it. XD

Well, that’s all I have for you guys this time. I hope you’ve been having a splendid May, and I wish you a lovely June! ^_^

New Until Next Time!

18 responses to “Life Update // Things Have Been Crazy…”

  1. Congrats on your soon-to-be graduation! REALM MAKERS AAAH. I’m so excited you’re going! I can’t wait to meet you! ^_^ Worldbuilding and characters are both awesome. (I know, I’m so helpful. :P) Infinity War, though. *twitch, twitch* That last gif is the BEST. XDDD So neat hearing about all your updates! Thanks for sharing, and I hope you have an amazing week! (The new blog log is FAB! <3)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thanks, Deborah! ^_^ AAGGHH I KNOW. I’m super excited about it and I can’t wait to meet you too! šŸ˜€ Haha, at least I know they would both be well received by you. XD Seriously though. *hides in the corner, a twitching mess* Isn’t it though?! XD Glad you enjoyed it! You have a lovely week as well! (D’aww, thanks! <3)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved reading your blog Life Update. See you soon! ā¤ G Pat

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you liked it! Love you! ā¤


  3. Yoooooo graduation man. Thatā€™s killer. Iā€™m still years away from that but Iā€™m already stressing.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ good luck tho!! Also working at a library would be a dream.šŸ˜˜āœØšŸ’›

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, at least that makes one of us who thinks that… XD It’s both stressful and exciting at the same time. šŸ˜€ Thanks! It really is an awesome job, I won’t lie. ^_^

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha yep. Gotta figure out what to do with your lifešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
        Awww that sounds so cool. I would die

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Aww, I can sympathize with being busy! I thought that once college let out for the summer, I’d have so much free time….ahaha, no. XD But you’re graduating, that’s so exciting!!!


    I would love to hear about world building AND characters too. I’m just as helpful as Deb. XD

    Can’t wait to meet you at RM!!!! <333

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the sympathy! It’s so strange how you think you’ll have so much free time in the summer, but it’s actually the opposite… XD Yeah, it’s pretty exciting!!! šŸ˜€


      Haha, well that’s two people who would like both! XD

      I can’t wait to meet you too!!! šŸ˜€


  5. You can eat caramels again! I’m happy for you!
    …and now I want a caramel…

    A series on world building would be interesting. World building is so fun, and I’d like to hear your thoughts on the subject.

    You’re going to Realm Makers! It’s hard to believe how close it is, now. I’ll see you then!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay for caramels! šŸ˜€ *hands you a gooey homemade caramel*

      Thanks for the input! I’ve always loved world-building, so it’d be fun to share what I’ve learned about it with you guys! ^_^

      Yes, I’m so excited! Oh I know…time is just flying. Yay! Can’t wait to meet you! šŸ˜€


  6. EEP CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING YOUR BRACES OUT! Go! Eat all of the caramels!!!!! *flings caramel in your face* Also, I am absolutely LOVING the design of your blog! It is adorable and complete perfection!!! ā¤ ā¤ ā¤

    I would DEFINITELY love to hear your thoughts on world building… Also I could really use the help, because I am a terrible builder of words. My WIP literally takes place inside of a hospital. That is it. That's the whole setting. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ HELP ME, MADELINE!!! šŸ˜‚ And Infinity Wars…………..I am dead. I can't. I just can't. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

    And ASDFGHJKL YOU ARE GOING TO REALM MAKERS!!! I can't WAIT to be able to go… Unfortunately, I won't be going this year (I only found OUT about it this year! XD) But I'm hoping that maybe NEXT year….. *crosses fingers*

    AND EEP! You're graduating!!!! Congratulations!!! And also good luck on all these new things happening!! I bet they're going to be AMAZING. Counseling sounds tough, but I BELIEVE IN YOU!!! *wishes I can put that YOU CAN DO IT! GIF of the eleventh doctor in a comment….*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AGH THANK YOU! I will!! I shall eat them all!! *catches the caramels and gobbles them up* Aww, thank you!! I’m glad you think so! šŸ˜‰

      That’s great to know!! Haha, well, a lot of crazy stuff could go down in a hospital, so at least it’s an interesting setting! XD My soul is just…crushed. I can’t. *cries buckets of tears*

      ASDFLKJL I KNOW!!! That would be so awesome if you eventually got to go!! (I only found out about just last year, so… šŸ˜› ) Let’s hope for next year!! šŸ˜‰

      YES! And I’m actually really nervous about it… But it’s still exciting!! Thank you! I sure hope they’re amazing! XD It’s definitely new territory for me, but THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!! ^_^ *imagines said gif and smiles*

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      1. *is pleased that you ate the caramels* XD

        I suppose that’s true, but it still provides for a lot of “sterile white tile” and “the smell of anti-bacterial sanitizer” and “madmen with ratchets”. I need a little more diversity in my setting.
        SAME, THOUGH. *whispers* Spider-Man…..

        Well, at least I’m not too far behind, then! If you found out LAST year, and are going THIS year, and I just found out this year, then that means…….. *IS SUPER EXCITED FOR NEXT YEAR*

        I’d be nervous, too, but I’m sure it’ll be a lot better once you’re there and settled in, maybe? ISN’T THAT GIF THE BEST, THOUGH????

        Liked by 1 person


    Infinity War…*gulps* In the words of someone from that movie, “Oh man.”

    You’re going to Realm Makers, too???? Man, now I /really/ wish I could go! *pouts because all the people I really really want to meet are going and I caaaaaaaan’t*

    You’re graduating! Yay! I’m so happy for you ^_^ And also, PIANO LESSONS. THAT WOULD BE EPIC. ā¤

    Sounds like May was pretty great! I hope you have an excellent June. ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally don’t feel bad!! I’ve been so bad about commenting on blogs myself…So I get it!! šŸ˜‰

      My heart is literally a melted puddle of sad goo on the floor. </3

      I am!! Aww, that's too bad you can't go! ;( But maybe next year!!


      It was very wonderful! šŸ˜€ I hope you have a fabulous June too! ā¤


  8. I thought I had read this post… but apparently not. Congrats on getting your braces off (FREEDOM!) and graduating soon! That’s exciting!

    Infinity War!!!!! I have no idea what to say about that, which is why I haven’t reviewed it. I just want to have all the people who’ve seen it over for popcorn and cookies and a nice round-table discussion.

    I’m so excited that you’re going to RM too!!! I can’t wait to hang out with all my Silmarillion Peoples. Yay!!!!

    Ooh, camp counselor! That sounds epic. I shall pray you get a nice cabin of nice girls. šŸ™‚

    Giving piano lessons also sounds fun. I took piano lessons as a kid, and again in college… I’m pretty rubbish at it (my sister got the entire bucketful of musical talent for our family), but I appreciate knowing things like how to read music and pick out a tune… if I really work hard I can get to the point where I can actually play stuff… I definitely want to get my kids some lessons… but we kiiinda need a piano or keyboard so they can practice… that’s at the top of my wishlist once we get this house built.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I’m soooo glad to have my braces off! ^_^ And graduating, I’m finding, is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. XD

      AAAGH. I just. I have no words to say about it. Not yet anyway. Yes, I quite agree, a round-table discussion would be very much welcome right now. šŸ˜€

      I am so psyched to go!!! Yessss I can’t wait to see all my blogger friends!! šŸ˜€

      Yes, it’s exciting! Thank you so much. šŸ˜‰

      I think it’ll be a good experience! Knowing how to read music is one of those things that you hate learning how to do when you’re younger, but you’re soooo thankful for it when you’re older. šŸ™‚ I personally think music lessons should be a required part of any school curriculum. It has so many benefits! Ah, yes, a piano would be kind of necessary. XD Ooh, you’re building a house? That’s quite the project! I hope things are going well for you and your family! ^_^


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