The 2nd Annual Silmarillion Awards // And the Winner is…


Welcome, one and all, to the second annual Silmarillion awards ceremony!! I thank you for attending, and I invite you to pull up a chair; relax; maybe even have one of the free cookies provided.

We had quite a turn-out this year! So many of you cast in nominations and seconds, and so many of you voted for your favorites. So, thank you again for all of your participation!

But enough from me. I think it’s time I introduced the man of the hour. Or rather…the hobbit of the hour. Ladies and gentlemen, give a round of applause to our presenter of the Silver Tongue Silmaril…

Bilbo Baggins of the Shire!

the hobbit an unexpected journey


Yes, hello, hello, thank you for having me present. You’re all too kind. *smiles* I must say, I was rather shocked when I was asked to present. I’m told this category of the awards is quite new this year, and I feel honored that I would be worthy of presenting.

Well, you are one of the most silver tongued people that I’ve ever met!

You flatter me. But that reminds me…would you mind terribly if I announced the winner in the form of a riddle?

Absolutely not!! That would be wonderful, actually!

Good, good, very well, then, I’ll do it. *clears throat*

I’m shiny like the moon, but only second best. I can be a dollar, but I’m not green. I am gray, but metallic. What am I?

And another…

I can taste, but I don’t taste good. I am often held, but never touched. I can cut like a knife, but I’m not sharp. I am wet, but I don’t rust. What am I?

There, we go. Put them together and we have our winner. How was that?

Wonderful! Can anyone guess the winner?


Yes? No? Well, Bilbo, those were fabulous riddles, but I think you might have to spell it out for the audience.

Oh, I suppose so. The winner of the Silver Tongue Silmaril goes to a man brimming with kindness. A man so loving, so caring, he would rather die than have his daughter harmed. With his natural love of words, his charming personality, and his magical voice, I present to you…

Silver Tongue from Inkheart!

Otherwise, known as Mo, which I will hereby call you, I present you with this lovely Silmaril. I couldn’t imagine a better person to have this award. Your name says it all.


Oh goodness…Thank you all so much! I can’t believe you would choose little me to be the winner. I’m nearly moved to tears. You’re all wonderful, thank you for your kindness! I will forever treasure this Silmaril!

You surely deserve it, Mo! And thank you Bilbo, for the lovely presentation!!

You’re very welcome, Madeline. I’m glad I came. I never expected to have so much fun. *smiles*

Thank you all for coming to this ceremony! Be sure to check out the other ceremonies going on at the other bloggers sites. A new one is posted everyday weekday until the 28th!

And for those of your curious what the result percentages were…

  • Silver Tongue from Inkheart – 33%
  • Puddleglum from The Chronicles of Narnia – 32% (Dear Puddlglum lost by one vote!)
  • The Florid Sword from The Wingfeather Saga – 13%
  • Eanrin from The Tales of Goldstone Wood – 13%
  • Leonard from The Tales of Goldstone Wodd – 8%

Well, what a great time! I hope you’ve enjoyed Bilbo’s presentation, and yay for Mo! Send your congrats to him down below! Thank you all again for participating! 😀


31 responses to “The 2nd Annual Silmarillion Awards // And the Winner is…”

  1. […] Least Competent Henchman presentations. Today we will get to attend the ceremony for Most Silver-Tongued Bard… which is one where I am really hoping for a certain outcome. Though Kiernan Kane […]


  2. Woohoo! *applause* Wonderful post, Madeline AND Bilbo… 😉 I have… actually not read Inkheart yet?? :O But it is clear I will have to remedy that immediately. 😀 Mo/Silver Tongue sounds AWESOME and I look forward to meeting him someday! I was rooting for Eanrin but Silver Tongue is the PERFECT winner for the award and the only one to have his name directly on it! XD CONGRATS TO HIM! Thanks for a lovely ceremony, all of you! (And I continue to be surprised by the winners! What fun. :D)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!! Thank you so much Deborah! Bilbo thanks you too. ^_^ What?! You must read it, it’s fabulous! 😀 He is SUPER great! Yeah, I was kinda wishing Eanrin would win, but Mo really is the perfect winner. 🙂 It’s like it was meant to be, his name was written right on the award! XD YES, MANY CONGRATS. Aww, thanks! (I know! I’m totally surprised by the winners! It’s funny how you think you know something and then…BOOM. The opposite happens. XD )

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love the riddles! What a clever touch. I have not read Inkheart either. I did see the movie, but don’t remember a whole lot about it. But how can you argue with someone whose very name is Silver Tongue winning this award. Clearly it was destined to be so!

    Thanks for this playful presentation, Madeline!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! They were fun to come up with. 🙂 Ooh, you should, it’s really good! I actually haven’t seen the movie, only read the book. You really can’t argue. This award was practically made for him!

      I’m glad you enjoyed, DJ! ^_^


  4. YAY FOR SILVER TONGUE!! I have actually not read the book yet…but I do quite like the movie so I can attest to Silver Tongue being a good character. Plus, his name IS the award…so he basically had to win. 😉

    Loved this post, Madeline! The riddles were fun. *smiles*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAAAAAY!! 😀 You should totally read the book, it’s great! I’m glad that he won…this award was truly meant for him!

      Glad you liked it! Haha, those riddles were fun to make up. 😀


  5. What a lovely presentation! And I’m glad Mo won, I mean, the award is practically named after him, after all…. though I was really hoping Eanrin would run away with it this year. 🙂 Because I loves him.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Jenelle! I am too! Yeah, Eanrin is awesome. I LOVE him. 😀 But, you know, there’s always next year, right? 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. How appropriate Silver Tongue won! I love it!!!

    And the Bilbo riddles were GOLDEN. (Or should I say silver…?) So brilliant! They toootally sounded like a riddle Bilbo would come up with.

    This was all so fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was pretty perfect for him, wasn’t it? 😀

      Aww, thank you!!! I’m so glad you think so!!

      I can’t wait to see the other winners! 😉


  7. MO! Congratulations to Mo! I was so happy when you won – I’m currently reading Inkheart, so that was special :D. Wonderful post, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAY! He thanks you very much. ^_^ That *is* really special!! So cool! 😉 Thank you muchly, Savannah!


  8. […] many shenanigans over there. Not sure if Kyle has been able to get rid of all his houseguests yet.. Most Silver Tongue – presented in the form of a riddle. Most appropos! Most Epic Hero – chronicled by a most […]


  9. Love the way you did this post! So well-written! I haven’t read Inkheart yet, but I’m definitely bumping it up higher on my TBR now. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thanks Kyle!! Ooh, yes, it’s REALLY good!!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m so surprised! I really thought Puddleglum would win! A hearty congratulations to Mo. I can’t believe he won by only one vote!! Great post, Madeline. 😀


    1. By the way, your riddles were INCREDIBLE!!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Sorry I’m late to the party! Bilbo did a wonderful job presenting again, and congrats to Mo! Jenelle’s right, the award is practically named after him. I’m overdue for an Inkheart reread, come to think of it… Oh, and your riddles were fantastic! It honestly took me a moment to piece them together. XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Better late then never! Bilbo did a fabulous job, yes. 😉 And yay for Mo! It really was meant to be. Yes! I’m thinking about rereading Inkheart too. Thank you so much! I’m glad they were at least a little tricky. 😀


  12. Those riddles were clever, you had me stumped, well done! And Congrats to Mo!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much!! They were fun to come up with. ^_^ And yes, congrats to Mo! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  13. […] My three most popular posts are my three Silmarillion posts which you can read here, here, and here. […]


  14. […] to the award presentations! (Will be updated as they are posted.) Least Competent Henchman Silver Tongue Most Epic Hero Strangest Character Most Epic Heroine Most Mischievous Imp Most Magnificent […]


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